Wednesday 16 July 2014


My parents came to the city
from the village,
my grand-parents came from a spring,
their parents came from the desert;

The desert wind blows from the Levant eastwards,
the wild-flower sways to the west!
The redolence of the valleys my people passed through
still lingers in my breath;
The desert sky still inebriates my soul red;
Have the waters I waded, forgotten me?
Has the wet earth beneath my feet,
lost the imprints of my onward ambition?
Caravan-ic lives, Kafila-esque hopes.
Travelers, that's who we are!My ailing heart still longs for the mystic's flute;
strange loves found and lost in strange lands ..
little pebbles picked up along the way..
How far have we come .. how far away!

Whatever is destiny
if not paths crossing;
in the common pursuit of
shared dreams,
shared struggles,
intertwined hopes and fears!
What are our origins,
if not the common conclusion
of shared travels!
travelers that we are.

Today, In Contemplation 

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